About us

Aspley Pentecostal Church is currently closed and is being looked after by the Board of Trustees under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Meet the Team

  • Mani Narayanasamy

    Chair of Trustees, Prayer Champion

  • Aru Narayanasamy

    Trust Secretary

  • Susan Mathura


What we believe


We believe that the bible is God’s Word. It is essential, useful and applicable to our everyday lives.


We believe in one eternal God who is the creator of all things. He exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He is totally loving and completely holy.


We believe that sin has separated each of us from God and His purpose for our lives.


We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ as both God and man is the only One who can reconcile us to God. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory over sin and death and empower us for life.


We believe that in order to receive forgiveness and eternal life we must repent of our sin, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and submit to His will for our lives.


We believe that in order to live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, we need to be baptised in water and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit transforms our lives and enables us to use spiritual gifts of wisdom, faith and power to the glory of God.


We believe that God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives which is to worship God, to love Him and to love people.


We believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and prosperous lives in order to help others more effectively.


We believe that our eternal destination of either heaven or hell is determined by our response to the Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe that we need to live ready for the promised return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor Colin Tilley

3rd February 1955 – 11th October 2021

Our beloved Pastor Colin Tilley is dearly missed by the Aspley Pentecostal Church family. Colin was an anointed man of God and a true ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord blessed him with an incredible healing ministry which did not falter, even when his own health deteriorated.

Colin’s leadership and dedication to the Church and the people led to the Lord using him in mighty ways, including during the Church’s Miracle Healing Services.

With Words of Knowledge, powerful prayers, the prophetic, and dedicated service, Pastor Colin Tilley led a good team under the Power of Lord Jesus Christ. There have been so many wonderful testimonies of healing and miracles through the Amazing Power of Lord Jesus Christ which we will always celebrate.

Here at Aspley Pentecostal Church, we are determined to continue the good work of Colin while he now lives a life of pure joy with his beloved Jesus.

God Bless you Colin. We love you and will never forget you, your ministry, and your sense of humour! We await the wonderful day when we will meet again xxx

Actively Promoting Christ

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