Poetry for Jesus Christ

Here you can read beautiful Holy Spirit inspired poetry written to praise and glorify our wonderful Saviour Lord Jesus Christ

Love in Action

Who do you say I am?

What should be my response,

As the Lord asks: “Who do you say I am?”

Will I reply in the way He wants,

As I hear these Words from the Holy Lamb?


He is the Teacher of powerful Word and method,

Imparter of wisdom to all who will listen.

The Gatherer of straying flock, the Good Shepherd,

And Healer of every disease, Rapha, and Physician.


 He is the Rock and the Redeemer,

The Strength of my heart and my Portion.

The Defender and Truth against the schemer,

And Giver of Eternal life that no one can shorten.


He is my Stronghold in times when I am weakened.

Seated on the Throne of Grace, The Great High Priest.

The Light that breaks through when the darkness deepens,

Though for my sake, He became the Least.


 He is Comforter to the mourners and heavy-laden,

The Peacemaker whose Blood was shed to make amends.

The Carrier of sins, for in His Hands my name is graven,

As the Saviour who laid down His life for His friends.


He is the Majestic King and Maker of miracles,

Behold Him as the Lion of Judah.

A Revelation to the believer and the cynical,

The Same yesterday, today and in the future.


He is Risen, for upon death He has trampled,

Alpha and Omega, He is always and forever.

Author of our faith, the perfect Example,

Reconciler and Restorer of the bond that sin had tried to sever.


 He is the Seed which leaves the serpent’s head bruised,

The Word who became Flesh for the promised to be fulfilled,

Because He whom they crucified and labelled “King of the Jews”,

Is forever the Cornerstone upon which we build.


 He is the life-giving Living Bread,

Deliverer of stale desires within a world that is flawed.

Immanuel and Messiahjust as Peter said,

So boldly I join him and say: “You are Jesus Christ my Lord!”

© PoetryforJesusChrist.wordpress.com 2022

Think about such things